Finnch Wellness


Finnch Wellness  FAQs


How much does Finnch cost?

The Finnch consulting is free for seekers interested in beginning therapy or coaching. However, there is a lifetime membership fee. We offer you matches at a time to be as anxiety-reducing and intentional as possible. Should your fit not feel right, we are happy to facilitate additional connections. We will work with you through as many contacts as you need to feel safe moving forward.

What Makes a Client Eligible to Be a Finnch Member?

Finnch serves  clients that needs affordable therapy and Coaching services but can’t afford market rates, is uninsured or underinsured, and has an annual household income below $ 90,000.

Why does Finnch Charge Membership fees?

Finnch is a non-profit organization. Finnch collects membership fees to support its mission and long-term sustainability. As a member, you’re helping people access affordable care for years, and hopefully for decades to come.The funds we receive from your membership fee are used to support a small staff, maintain our website, pursue grants and other funding opportunities, and maintain the organization.


What do I need to know going into therapy/coaching?

Your provider will get to know you during your first session. They will likely ask questions about what has brought you to the room, including your past and present. You will work together to establish goals for the future of your work. During your first session, you can let your provider know if you have specific goals, if you have seen a therapist or coach before, what worked or did not, or if you have anxiety or fear about therapy or coaching. The most important thing to remember? Trust yourself. Therapy and coaching are spaces where you can be honest with your provider and yourself. It’s essential to find a good fit. Our team (and that of your provider) aims to make you feel safe, seen, and heard.

How is coaching different from therapy?

 Therapy (also known as psychotherapy, counseling, or “talk therapy”) is similar to coaching in some ways. Both use evidence-based techniques and intentional dialogue as the primary tools for growth and discovery, but there are also key differences between these services: Coaching focuses primarily on the present and future, while therapy focuses on the past, present, and future. Coaching is focused on personal growth and professional development, while therapy is designed to help you work through deeper issues such as anxiety, depression, or trauma.


If You Have Any Question, Contact Us

To register, fill out our simple online client registration form and pay a one-time, lifetime membership fee of just $55. 

If you have any questions, we are also available by direct email and live chat: